Did you know that your sense of smell is one of the most important aspects of your life? Smell is linked to memory, emotion, and mood. It also plays a role in social interaction and bonding. If your sense of smell doesn’t work properly, it might have something to do with it. However, many things can cause this. Let’s take a look at how you can regain your sense of smell and what you should do if it starts to lose its scent.

Lack of Vitamin A & B-12

The eyes are the most important organ in the body, especially when it comes to smell. Vitamin A is responsible for your sense of smell and vision. It also plays an important role in regulating the immune system, bone growth and healthy skin. Unfortunately, as we get older we tend to lose vitamin A and B-12 more easily. This can lead to dry and sensitive noses. Vitamin B-12 can be found in meat, fish, poultry, milk, milk products, eggs, fortified breakfast cereals, and supplements. Vitamin A can be found in a variety of fruits and vegetables. The best way to keep your sense of smell strong is to eat foods rich in vitamin A, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, papayas, mangoes, and eggs. You can also use vitamin A supplements.


Dehydration is another commonly experienced issue that can lead to a loss in your sense of smell. This is especially true if you have been experiencing increased thirst due to activity levels that are higher than what your body is used to. When your body becomes dehydrated, the olfactory receptors in your nose are also affected. This means that you will not be able to detect certain smells as well. Additionally, the bacteria that inhabit your nose will also change. If your sense of smell is already starting to dull, you need to drink enough water. A daily intake of two liters of water is recommended. Additionally, you can also try eating foods that are high in minerals and electrolytes, like bouillon cubes and broth.


If you smoke, you need to take stock of your actions right away. Smoking has been shown to alter the olfactory pathways in the brain, which can affect how you smell. Although you might have quit long ago, your body might still be affected by the toxins that are present in tobacco. Therefore, you need to be extra careful and have your sense of smell checked as soon as you decide to light up again. Additionally, some methods can be tried to help your sense of smell recover. You can try using essential oils. You can pour a few drops of lavender or peppermint oil into a diffuser and inhale the vapor. You can also try drinking rose water. You can mix 1 tsp of rose water with a glass of water and drink it throughout the day. You can also try eating fruits that are high in vitamin C, such as kiwis, oranges, and guavas.

Dust Mites & Germs

Dust mites are tiny insects that live in most homes. They can cause an increase in your sense of smell. You can use a dehumidifier to control the growth of dust mites in your home. You can also clean with water instead of dry cleaning your clothes to avoid dust mites. You can also use natural disinfectants like tea tree oil, lavender oil, and sage. Additionally, you can try eating foods that are high in fiber, such as fruits and vegetables. These will help to clean your digestive tract, which will in turn replenish your sense of smell. You can also try drinking tea. You can brew a cup of black tea and add a few drops of essential oils if you are looking for a more potent smell therapy. You can also try chewing sugar-free gum. Sugarless gum is an artificial sweetener that can help to cleanse your nose and mouth.

Food Sensitivity

Food sensitivity is when you react to certain foods that do not cause a reaction to others. This is probably the most common cause of a loss in your sense of smell. Some people are sensitive to chemicals in food that alters their olfaction. This can be a result of a medical condition like Celiac disease, which is a gluten intolerance. This can lead to serious digestive issues, including a loss in your sense of smell. Other people are sensitive to food additives, preservatives, and colorings. This is most common with those that are vegans or vegetarians. You can try eating foods that are high in antioxidants, such as pomegranates, blueberries, and oranges. You can drink green tea as a remedy. You can also try restricting your diet to foods that are high in fiber and low in sodium, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meat.

Sinus Blockage & Congestion

Sinus blockage and congestion can also lead to a loss in your sense of smell. If you have a blocked sinus, it will prevent you from smelling certain things. In addition, you might notice a choking sensation when you put your nose too close to certain odors, like perfumes. This is most common during winter months when the air quality is particularly poor.

Here’s a few simple things you can do to clear your nasal pathways:

  • You can try using a decongestant nasal spray, which is available over the counter.
  • You can also try using a humidifier in your home to increase the humidity in the air.
  • You can also try using a bulb-style humidifier, which is safer for the eyes and the lungs than a tank-style.
  • You can also try using a saline nasal rinse, which has been proven to unblock sinuses and increase the flow of mucus in your nose.
  • You can also try diets that are low in salt, since this is one of the main factors that can increase the amount of congestion in your sinuses.

Psychological Factors

The last psychological factor that can cause a loss in your sense of smell is depression. This is when you become less interested in your surroundings and the things around you. This can lead to a loss in your sense of smell, as you might not spend as much time smelling the world as you did before.

You can try talking to your doctor, as well as trying a few things on your own, to try and get your olfactory system back on track:

  • You can try using an artificially scented plug-in diffuser, such as a lavender or citrus blend.
  • You can also try chewing gum that is sugar-free and tastes good.
  • You can also try breathing exercises, which are designed to help you relax and calm yourself.
  • You can also try chewing fresh fruit, which can help to keep your mouth busy and prevent you from zoning out too much.
  • You can also try listening to music that you enjoy, as this can help to distract you from the surrounding environment.
  • Finally, you can try journaling, which has been shown to help with developing a positive outlook on life.


The sense of smell is truly an important one, as it allows us to experience so many amazing things in life, such as the smell of a flower or the smell of food, and the ability to connect with other people in so many different ways. Unfortunately, it is also the type of sense that can be affected by many things that are out of your control, such as poor diet, a poor immune system, genetics, and many other factors. This can make it difficult to keep your sense of smell strong as you get older.

However, if you are willing to put in the effort, it is possible to regain your sense of smell, and even make it stronger than before. While there are a lot of factors that can cause a loss in your sense of smell, they are not impossible to overcome.

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