The deltoid or “delt” is a muscle consisting of three parts that forms the shoulder. There are many advantages to training deltoid muscles, and adding deltoid mass broadens the shoulders and more definition contributes to an overall more fit look. Additionally, by strengthening the deltoids, more stability is provided for exercises that may not directly involve the deltoid.

As the muscle consists of three distinct parts, there are a variety of deltoid muscle workouts and exercises which can improve them.  Note that lower weight with a higher number of repetitions will achieve definition while higher weight with lower repetitions will increase mass and strength. As with any exercise regiments including shoulder workouts, consult a professional before beginning a routine.

Having prominent and strong delts is the dream of many people. Though to an average person it may appear you need to spend weeks or even months working out in a gym, muscular shoulder blades aren’t as hard to achieve as many people believe, and with enough workout and commitment anything is possible. This article will give you a rundown of some of the top workouts for delts, so be sure to go through with it and choose your favorite one.

Parallel bar dips

Parallel bar dips: This is the most basic exercise for delts. It can be done with minimal equipment and is relatively effective for those just beginning to train their delts. It is done by gripping two parallel bars, high enough off of the ground that one can lower their weight in a slow, controlled motion and then push themself up above the bars again. As strength increases this exercise will also work the pectorals and triceps more as well. Note: until enough strength is gained to do these with ease, it may be useful to use a weighted assist machine in order to achieve a higher number of repetitions.

Deltoid dumbbell raise

Deltoid dumbbell raise: This is also a relatively simple isolation exercise but one of the most effective for middle delt development. Simply hold a dumbbell in each hand on the side of your body and then raise upper arms to sides until elbows are shoulder height. Maintain elbows’ height above or equal to wrists. Return to the original position and repeat.

Barbell rear delt row

Barbell rear delt row: This works the rear part of the deltoid muscles. Bend knees slightly and bend over bar with back straight, approximately horizontal. Grasp bar with wide overhand grip. Keeping upper arm perpendicular to the torso, pull the barbell up toward upper chest until upper arms are just beyond horizontal. Return to the original position and then repeat.

Rear delt inverted row

Rear delt inverted row: Using a horizontal bar fixed to something stable around chest height from the ground, Stand facing waist to lower chest height horizontal bar. Grasp bar with wide overhand grip. Walk forward under bar while pulling upper chest close to bar. With heels on floor, position body at angle under bar with legs, hips and spine straight. Also position upper arms perpendicular to body, on each side. Lower body weight until arms are almost fully extended (but not fully). Pull up until chest touches the bar and repeat.

Behind the neck military press

Behind the neck military press: Frequently a favorite of most exercise experts, this exercise can achieve very fast and apparent results. You will need to grasp a straight barbell from the rack or lift it from the floor with an overhand grip in a somewhat wider grip than your shoulders. Next, position the bar in front of your next and push upwards until your arms are nearly fully extended over your head, then lower it to the front of your neck and repeat.

We hope this post helped you understand some of the best and most popular deltoid muscle workouts. Always remember that working out frequently and following expert advice will quickly yield results so stick with it and don’t give up!

More about: Exercises Muscles